
Hey, there! After a bit gap, I’m back with UMD CTF. I played this CTF along with Invaders0x1 team. I only remember few Crypto challenges that I solved because all others were basic stuff.



The challenge provided a sage file and an output file.

# This is the code that was given in bulb.sage
FLAG = open('flag.txt', 'r').read()

flag_bytes = [ord(c) for c in FLAG]
flag_bits = ''.join([f{num:08b} for num in flag_bytes])

p = random_prime(2^256)
G = GF(p, modulus="primitive")
g = G.gen()
m = p-1

print(f'p: {p}')
for bit in flag_bits:
    x = G.random_element()
    if bit == '1':
        y = m-x
        y = G.random_element()

    print(f'{g^x}, g^y)')

The output file had the p value. It is:

p = 6596997572802685744626960256235787019476434707654191935397530271983648431547

So, I used sage to get the value of 'g'. It was:

g = 2

As the g is prime, we can use Fermat's Little theorem here.

If p is prime, for every integer a: pow(a, p) = a mod p and, if p is prime and a is an integer coprime with p: pow(a, p-1) = 1 mod p

If the bit is 1:

=> y = m - x

=> y + x = m

=> y + x = p - 1

=> g^(y + x) = g^(p - 1)

=> g^y * g^x = g^(p - 1)

=> g^y * g^x = 1 mod p

So, I used this to write the solution.

arr = [# Given g^x, g^y output here]
p = 6596997572802685744626960256235787019476434707654191935397530271983648431547
m = p - 1

flag_bits = ''
for i in range(0, len(arr), 2):
    # print(arr[i], arr[i+1])
    if (1 == ((arr[i])*(arr[i+1]))% p)):
        flag_bits += '1'
        flag_bits += '0'
    if len(flag_bits) == 8:
        print(chr(int(flag_bits, 2)), end = '')
        flag_bits = ''


Reduce Thyself

This challenge is similar to the challenge No Padding in picoCTF. This challenge is a netcat based challenge provided with the python file.

  import socket
  import random
  import threading
  from _thread import *
  from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes as l2b, bytes_to_long as b2l, getPrime, isPrime, inverse
  from math import gcd
  from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
  HOST = ''  # Standard loopback interface address (localhost)
  PORT = 60003        # Port to listen on (non-privileged ports are > 1023)
  FLAG = open('flag.txt', 'r').read().strip().encode()
  def decrypt(flag_ct, ct, d, n):
      pt = 'null'
      if isPrime(ct) and ct != flag_ct:
          pt = hexlify(l2b(pow(ct, d, n))).decode()
      return pt
  def gen_params():
      while True:
          p, q = getPrime(1024), getPrime(1024)
          n = p * q
          e = 0x10001
          phi = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
          if gcd(phi, e) == 1:
              d = inverse(e, phi)
      return n,e,d
  def threading(conn):
      n, e, d = gen_params()
      flag_ct = pow(b2l(FLAG), e, n)
      print(f"n: {n}\ne: {e}\nd: {d}")
      conn.sendall(f"n: {hex(n)}\ne: {hex(e)}\nflag_ct: {hex(flag_ct)}\n\n".encode())
      while True:
          conn.sendall(b'Gimme ct (hex): ')
              ct = int(conn.recv(1024).strip().decode(), 16)
          except Exception as e:
              conn.sendall(b'invalid ct')
          pt = decrypt(flag_ct, ct, d, n)
          conn.sendall(f'result: {pt}\n\n'.encode())

  if __name__ == "__main__":
      with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as s:
          s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
          s.bind((HOST, PORT))
          while True:
              conn, addr = s.accept()
              print(f'new connection: {addr}')
              start_new_thread(threading, (conn, ))

So, basically it provides N, e and c and gives us a chance to decipher something. But the flag directly cannot be deciphered. This is plain RSA so it the following flaw.

m1^e * m2^e ≡ (m1m2)^e (mod n)

So, m1^e is the ciphered flag and the code above checks for the m2 cipher isPrime() function, so we have to find a prime that satisfies these conditions. Here is the code:

At last we get the cipher that has to be sent.i.e., (m1m2)^e. Then the service decrypts this for us. So we finally end up with m1m2. m1 is the flag, so we simply do m1m2/m2 to get the flag.

from pwn import *
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes as l2b, bytes_to_long as b2l, getPrime, isPrime, inverse

n = 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
e = 0x10001
c = 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

t = 0
tosend = 0
for i in range(3000):
    a = (c*(pow(i,e,n)))%n
    if isPrime(a):
        t = i
        tosend = hex(a)

# This is generated output from the service
final = 0x03aafc896d25afdaea1c0f3ee6a719b7d42d357d4c7b60d42009de58007af1610251de366b0222e14afcada4a833d1e38f8acea3c5e39a9ac5fa

final = final//t


Noisy Bits

This challenge had the description saying 'Go lay down', which refers to Golay code. It helped me solve the challenge.

This challenge provided a python code and an output file.

import random

POLY = 0xC75

def encode(cw):
  cw = (cw & 0xfff)
  c = cw
  for i in range(1, 12+1):
    if cw & 1 != 0:
      cw = cw ^ POLY
    cw = cw >> 1

  return (cw << 12) | c

flag = open('crypto/Noisy Bits/flag.txt', 'rb').read()

binary_str = bin(int(from_bytes(flag, 'big')))[2:].zfill(FLAG_BIN_LENGTH)

blocks = [ ''.join([binary_str[12*i+j] for j in range(12)]) for i in range(FLAG_BIN_LENGTH // 12)])

block_nos = [ int(s, 2) for s in blocks ]

encoded = [ encode(cw) for cw in block_nos ]

# flip some bits for fun
for i in range(len(encoded)):
  encoded[i] = encoded[i] ^ (1 << random.randint(0,22))
  encoded[i] = encoded[i] ^ (1 << random.randint(0,22))
  encoded[i] = encoded[i] ^ (1 << random.randint(0,22))

encoded_bin = [ bin(e)[2:].zfill(23) for e in encoded ]

print(' '.join(encoded_bin))

As each bit was flipped three times, I have used hamming distance <= 3 to get the flag. Below is the code:

POLY = 0xC75

codewords = [# Output file]

def golay(cw):
  cw = (cw & 0xfff)
  c = cw
  for i in range(1, 12+1):
      if cw & 1 != 0:
          cw = cw ^ POLY
      cw = cw >> 1

  return (cw << 12) | c

def hamming_dist(x, y):
  s1 = bin(x)[2:].zfill(23)
  s2 = bin(y)[2:].zfill(23)
  return sum(c1 != c2 for c1, c2 in zip(s1, s2))

valid_words = {}
for i in range(0, 2**12):
  valid_words[golay(i)] = i

flag_binary = ''
for cw in codewords:
  for k in valid_words.keys():
      if hamming_dist(cw, k) <= 3:
          flag_binary += bin(valid_words[k])[2:].zfill(12)
flag = ''
for bit in flag_binary:
  if len(flag) == 8:
      print(chr(int(flag, 2)), end = '')
      flag = ''
  flag += bit


InvaderCTF Writeups